Monday, May 19, 2008

Encouraging thoughts

More and more reports turn up every day about increasing ridership on Amtrak. As the cost of gasoline keeps rising more people are turning to public transportation and are saying they want more.

A report today in The Buffalo News (New York State) leads off with a headline "Nation must commit to passenger rail travel". Douglas Turner finds fault, justifiably so, with Sen. John McCain who is the "least likely to care about a national transportation policy"; he is not alone in the GOP as most Republicans think Amtrak should make money, not subsidize it. It is unfortunate to note that neither of Democratic presidential prospects has stepped forward to say anything about a national rail system. Turner points out that it is the way "people of modest means, and people who can't fly or drive, get from one downtown center to another. Amtrak's intrepid customers include the elderly, armed services personnel, students, kids and commuters who don't have limousines".

It's a shame that this nation, once in the forefront of intercity, transcontinental passenger rail transportation has, under the present administration, has fallen so far behind what most of Europe has done. High speed rail is expected there. Good service has not been neglected. Governments--and their citizens--are ready, willing and able to provide funds for the improvement of track and equipment.

Will a new administration (expectedly Democratic) do something to improve the situation? Who knows--as we can't get any answers from the two contenders. As for Sen. McCain, were he to win the election, forget Amtrak and any other government supported rail system. If each state was unable to provide the funding for passenger rail we'd end up with a fractured system, composed of bits and pieces to satisfy commuters in local areas.

Not what we need.

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